LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Round 2, Phase 3, Day16, 142.2 (-0.2)

Sorry I have been gone so long, my studies have been kicking my butt. Part of the curriculum for holistic medicine is....medicine! (DUH!) I knew this but chose to believe it wouldn't be as hard as I imagined. In reality its harder! Anyway, I have been head-down in the books and have been pretty much AWOL from all my online activities. My apologies.

To summarize, I did hit over 145lbs after a (Fun!) night out with great friends, great food and too much wine and dessert :( I ended up doing a steak day and then a few days after that went right back to P2 eating but with more calories. That got me back to where I am today, and I plan on adding the fats back in gradually again. I knew I shouldnt have done it, I was being way too lax with my eating. 

I still would like to get focused to get below 140's during this phase, so that when I do my next round I could potentially see the high 120's at the finish  - a dream I never thought would be possible, just never know! Ill keep working at it, but for now I have not been doing pilates and yoga as much as I wanted and haven't been doing a daily walk that I do religiously. I think as soon as I get this super hard exam out of the way, I will have a bit of breathing room and be able to focus more on diet and exercise.

I DID get myself a pair of size 29 jeans...woo hoo! And to be honest, in not-too-many-pounds I think they will be too big, they are slightly loose already. Loving that!

I hope everyone else is doing great and feeling motivated. We are going into winter here - the hardest time to diet in my experience, when warm and filling foods seem to have more calories!

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