LilySlim Weight loss tickers

LilySlim Weight loss tickers

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Round 2 Phase 4 Week 2 - 140.8 (-0.2)

I have gone up an down quite a bit, have not been keeping to the HCG principals of gradually introducing more foods into your diet as I have been supposed to. I have also not been doing the 'un-hcg diet' either.  Just basically eating as I used to, which I know is not a recipe for weight loss and I still have at least 12lbs I'd like to lose, more if possible.

That said I am here about 5 days since I last posted and am down 0.2. Clearly not a weight loss regime, but nothing to be unhappy about!

So I am taking another trip to Sydney next week, and when I get home I plan to implement the un-hcg principals for 1 month to see what the results are. If I don't lose on that,  I will be planning one more round of HCG, so I guess the next few months will be interesting!

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